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Your student has strong EF skills. It sounds like your student has the core EF skills down - fantastic! If your student is facing challenges in school, they might need additional support with a specific subject area, like reading, math, or writing.
An Applerouth Academic Tutor can help them conquer even the most challenging subjects. And those strong EF skills will go a long way, providing a foundation for success in whatever your student chooses to tackle next.
Keep an eye out for our emails with expert tips on everything you need to help your student become a better learner for life.
Did you know that EF skills are a better predictor of school and life success than IQ? Your student’s EF skills are still developing and extra support can help unlock their full potential.
Supporting a student as they learn these skills isn’t always easy. Our Executive Function Coaches understand what it’s like and know how to help. Schedule a 1-1 consultation with an Applerouth Coach to learn more about your student’s specific strengths and areas for growth.
In the meantime, you’re not alone! Keep an eye out for our emails with practical strategies for each EF skill area.
Did you know that EF skills don’t finish developing until early adulthood? Your student is capable of achieving more, with less anxiety and greater independence. They just need extra support while their skills develop.