Elementary & Middle School Tutoring
Applerouth has expert subject tutors who know how to make concepts click.

Individualized attention. Perfectly matched tutor.
We carefully pair your student with the right tutor based on learning style, personality, and availability. No matter your need, we have a highly-trained tutor to help.
Any grade. Any subject.
Every student meets their academic match at some point. An Academic Tutor can help them come out ahead. From elementary school to college courses, our expert tutors know how to build students' self-belief and success.
“My daughter is so happy with her tutor. He is great with her, he is patient and very motivating. She always ends the tutoring session with a big smile and feeling confident.”

St. Stephen's & St. Agnes School Parent
Middle School Tutoring Parent
Applerouth's Process
From advisement to post-service follow up, we come alongside you on your journey.
1. Craft a plan.
Schedule an appointment with a Program Director to discuss which of our learning experiences would work best for you.
2. Tutor matching.
Get matched to the perfect tutor for you, based on learning needs, personality, and educational goals.
3. Start learning.
Make leaps and bounds in whatever it is you need help with the most - and then some. Get ready to feel more confident by the end.
Tammy was in 7th grade when her parents reached out to us. She was struggling with her executive functioning skills, and specifically, with a low C in her geometry class. As can be commonplace at her age, her social life was overshadowing her focus on academics. After assessing all the details, we matched Tammy with a Premium Applerouth Tutor with an aptitude for helping students shift their focus and manage their motivation. In Tammy’s case, the tutor recognized the importance of addressing executive function skills and study habits. She learned that she had the power to improve her low C in math on her own with simple habit tweaks.
Overall, Tammy’s executive functioning skills improved, and she learned the key skill of managing her priorities when necessary. Her tutoring journey continued into high school, where she was excelling in geometry class. This reflects the impressive gains that Tammy has made in her overall focus and in her executive functioning skills!
- Tammy came to us struggling academically. We identified one of the main causes to be a lack of executive functioning skills.
- With her newfound knowledge of executive functioning, Tammy was able to become aware of her most effective personal motivators.
- She was able to transition to structured, goal-oriented meetings throughout her time with us.
Tammy, now a high school freshman excelling in geometry, demonstrates how improved organizational skills and motivation can help students excel by leaps and bounds. Tammy was able to move beyond her previous academic barriers with simple techniques. A little help can truly make big ripples in a student’s academic journey.
*Student's name and likeness have been changed for privacy.
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