AP, IB & High School Tutoring
Expert high school subject tutors who know how to make concepts click.

Individualized attention. Perfectly matched tutor.
We carefully pair your student with the right tutor based on learning style, personality, and availability. No matter your need, we have a highly-trained tutor to help.
Any grade. Any subject.
Every student meets their academic match at some point. An Academic Tutor can help them come out ahead. From elementary school to college courses, our expert tutors know how to build students' self-belief and success.
The Countdown Is On - Aim for Higher Scores with Our Final Reviews.
Give your student a focused review to lock in 4s and 5s on AP exams.
Get Started

Conquer the APs
AP courses can be intimidating. We get it. Our guide will provide you with the tools and confidence to excel and tackle any AP subject.
Let us personalize your experience.
“We can't thank our son's tutor enough for being the perfect support for him.”

Reno High School Parent
Atlanta Parent
Palisades Charter High School Parent
Applerouth's Process
From advisement to post-service follow up, we come alongside you on your journey.
1. Craft a plan.
Schedule an appointment with a Program Director to discuss which of our learning experiences would work best for you.
2. Tutor matching.
Get matched to the perfect tutor for you, based on learning needs, personality, and educational goals.
3. Start learning.
Make leaps and bounds in whatever it is you need help with the most - and then some. Get ready to feel more confident by the end.
Jamie’s parents contacted Applerouth when they noticed their son was facing math anxiety. He’d become convinced he couldn't excel in the subject, and it was causing him a lot of stress from week to week. We assigned one of our expert tutors to work with Jamie, who took an approach that involved addressing his self-talk, building his confidence, and helping to foster a more positive mindset.
Jamie absorbed these tactics like a sponge, picking up on the approach very quickly. The intensive initial support gradually reduced for him as he gained the independence and confidence to manage academic anxiety on his own – a huge win in our book! Jamie improved his grades, passed his classes, and became more self-sufficient in the long run.
- Jaimie’s parents reached out to seek support for his math anxiety. Applerouth matched him with a tutor we knew would teach him skills to self-regulate and manage his academic anxiety.
- They addressed and challenged Jamie’s negative self-talk, which was contributing to his math anxiety.
- Jamie worked effectively to build his confidence up through guided math study sessions and positive reinforcement.
- With encouraged independence and self-assurance, Jamie became less and less dependent on his Applerouth tutor. This is exactly what we hope for– we love helping kids to fly on their own!
Jamie successfully passed his classes, even when he initially doubted his capabilities. This showcases the effectiveness of confidence-building strategies on students, and how self-belief can truly change the course of a student’s success.
*Student's name and likeness have been changed for privacy.
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