Applying to private school this year? Join a free SSAT or ISEE Session

Sign up below for must-know updates about the SSAT or ISEE - tests that will play an important role in your child’s admission at many private schools.
Both tests have changed this year and are offering in-home options. In these sessions, Matt Kiesner - Applerouth’s SSAT and ISEE expert - will walk you through the new challenges students face. You’ll learn key testing strategies and how to successfully navigate the new world of in-home testing.
Parents and students are welcome. These sessions are free of charge but registration is required to reserve your spot. Please select your session below.
How to Master the SSAT in 2020-21
Monday, September 28th
at 7:00pm EDT / 4:00pm PDT

Wednesday, September 30th
at 10:00pm EDT / 7:00pm PDT

How to Master the ISEE in 2020-21
Thursday, October 1st
at 8:00pm EDT / 5:00pm PDT

Questions? Need some advice? We're here to help.

Take advantage of our practice tests and strategy sessions. They're highly valuable and completely free.