Crush your SAT scores with one-of-a-kind test prep.

Choose your ideal learning method. Learn study skills and helpful testing techniques. Then conquer the SAT.

Private tutoring, small groups, and online self-paced courses.

An animated man walks while juggling 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' balls
Average SAT score boost with Applerouth

Your scores, your learning method.

Find the prep that fits you best.

Group Classes

Thrive in a group setting? Small groups offer strategies and practice tests - perfect for mid-range scoring students.

Starting at $999
Explore Classes
A girl smiles at her laptop, pencil in hand.
Private Tutoring

The most effective way to prep. Personalized 1:1 sessions with a custom-matched tutor and engaging testing tools - perfect for a tailored experience.

Starting at $175/hour
Explore Private Tutoring
A student looks as her teacher shows her something on a notebook.
Self-Paced Online

Prefer self-study? Prep at your own pace with interactive videos, practice tests, and online resources - perfect for students who like flexibility.

Starting at $199
Explore Online Self-Paced
A young man holds a tablet, amidst rows of books behind him

Not sure what’s right for you?

Or call (866)-789-PREP (7737) to get started

A Program Director wearing a turquoise Applerouth shirt, waving